Providing Quality Services to the Corporate and Non Corporate Sector
It’s professional expertise and skepticisms. Presently, the firm is managed by a young, experienced and energetic professional who is qualified has been practicing about a decade who has been an active part of well known professional firms and has traditionally served a wide range of clients in the local, regional, national, and international markets.
"Among Of Others We Are The Best With Our Experts And Skilled Employees. Inventore parturient dolor veritatis."
Quality Control System, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Highly Professional Staff, Accurate Testing Processes
Unrivalled workmanship, Professional and Qualified
Our Mission
The firm provides professional services to diversified clients in the field of Internal Auditing, Taxation, Management Consultancy, Corporate Affairs, Business investigation and project financing.
Our Vision
We strive for excellence in everything we do to pay tribute to THE ALMIGHTY ALLAH who entrusted us with the task.
Our Value
We are recognized for our commitment to excellence in the quality, value and personal responsiveness of the services we offer our clients as their primary business advisors.
Consulting Forum (Private) Limited wasestablished in 1998 as a professional firm, providing quality services to thecorporate and non–corporate sectors with all its professional expertise and skepticism.Presently, the firm is managed by a young, experienced, and energeticprofessional who is qualified and has been practicing for about a decade he has beenan active part of well-known professional firms and hastraditionallyserved a wide range of clients in the local, regional, national,and international markets.
As the professional service organization of choice in the country, we are highly regarded for our expertise in certain industries and service niches.
01. Taxation Services
Formulation of tax strategy and tax planning.
02. Management Services
We also offer everything from budget review and preparation to policy and procedure manual design.
03. Money Advisory
Consulting Forum (Private) Limited recognized the growing need for giving more specific investment advice to our clients.